Area Code 323
Where Is Area Code 323?
Updated: February 27th 2025
Created in 1998, the 323 area code covers much of central Los Angeles and is a split from the original 213 area code. If you are looking for excitement and controversy, look no further than this portion of Los Angeles County.
West Hollywood is a very crowded city that is bordered on each side by a notable area. For instance, Hollywood Hills, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills are all neighbors of the West Hollywood area code. With its irregular borders, the 323 area code is continually subject to zoning issues as it becomes more urbanized. The invasion of Target and Best Buy has given this area a suburban feel even though the huge traffic jams serve as a daily reminder that this is not your regular suburbia.
The 323 area code was the first in the country to make same-gender domestic partnership registration available to its alternative lifestyle residents. The registration gave West Hollywood residents the ability to receive marriage benefits in the work place, including city employees. As a leader of social justice legislation, West Hollywood has also banned certain questionable items from being sold and prevents the city from engaging in business transactions with countries that violate human rights. Area code 323 goes even further with its groundbreaking laws by being the first city in the United States to prohibit the common practice of declawing cats.
The revolutionary legislations in West Hollywood are most likely due to its substantial alternative lifestyle population, which makes up almost half of the residents. Correspondingly, there is also a significant prevalence of AIDS within the 323 area code. West Hollywood officials have responded to this epidemic by offering comprehensive and frequently free treatments to those affected by the terrible disease. For example, individuals who live in the 323 area code and are suffering from HIV/AIDS are permitted to have pets in their home regardless of their landlord’s rules. Furthermore, area code 323 has special programs in place that take care of elderly AIDS patients. Adult day care programs, nutritious meal delivery programs, and roommate matching services all make living with AIDS just a little bit easier for West Hollywood’s aging residents.
Major Cities In Area Code 323
With a weekend population that adds more than forty thousand people to the city, West Hollywood is known in California for its sparkling night life. Attractions abound in the 323 area code for individuals who enjoy a memorable night out. You could stop at the infamous Chateau Marmont for a drink, head to the Mondrian for a quick stint, and end your night sightseeing on the legendary Sunset Strip. If you are more interested in a cultural experience, you could start your night at the Roxy Theatre and stop by the Troubadour if you have time left. The House of Blues is also a popular attraction in area code 323. Michael Jackson fans will be happy to know that the Westlake Recording Studios are located here, which is where Michael Jackson recorded both his “Thriller” and “Bad” albums. Current Celebrities can often be found at the Formosa Cafe or the Palm Restaurant; you may just see Lindsay Lohan there violating her parole. Celebrity scandals abound in this area and TMZ on TV luckily has its offices in the middle of the excitement.
Not to be forgotten, the numbers 323 also serve as the Los Angeles area code. More well-known for its beautiful city and overflow of celebrities, Los Angeles tends to stay out of the limelight unless it’s the one bringing the camera. Home to Hollywood, which is a district of Los Angeles, the 323 area code has an overflow of celebrities. A thriving motion picture industry causes an invasion of hopeful actresses and actors to the 323 area code, all who see this as the place where their dreams will become true.