Area Code 341
Where Is Area Code 341?
Updated: February 21st 2025
As a result of this overlay, Oakland residents are now required to dial ten digit phone numbers even with local calls. The Bay Area now has a total of eight area codes and is expected to add more in the near future. The 341 area code is known throughout the United States for having an incredibly high amount of alternative lifestyle residents. Out of a population of nearly 400,000 people there are nearly 3,000 alternative lifestyle couples. As a result, the Oakland, CA area code is third in the nation for its concentration of alternative lifestyle individuals.
The sunny weather and booming economy continues to attract people to the Oakland area code. Gentrification has been on the rise in many Oakland neighborhoods in recent years. By adding significant wealth to the low income areas, the entire 341 area code has seen a huge increase in property values and rent. The economic revitalization in Oakland is largely reflected in the city’s demographics. The average family income in Oakland is $85,000.
As a major port on the West Coast, the Port of Oakland was actually one of the first ports on the Pacific Coast. Opened in 1927, the Port of Oakland has a long history in California and has solidified itself as a major port in the United States. As a result, it is currently one of the busiest ports in the United States with more than 2 million units making its way through the 341 area code each year. Furthermore, the Port of Oakland provides area code 341 with more than 200,000 jobs. The Oakland International Airport is also owned by the Port of Oakland. The airport provides service to several places in the United States as well as international locales.
Major Cities In Area Code 341
Even though area code 341 is a great place to live, it does still have major problems. High unemployment in the region has resulted in a significant rate of violent crime. In fact, the Hell’s Angels Motorcycle Club wrecked havoc on the city in the 1960s. People who live in Oakland have a 1:40 chance of being the victim of auto theft and a 1:114 chance of being robbed. This statistic means that at least one person in your circle of family and friends will become the victim of a crime each year. It seems that not a single neighborhood in Oakland is immune to the violent crimes. Accordingly, Oakland is unfortunately 5th in the nation for violent crime. Consequently, Oakland is known as a dangerous city where violent crimes occur rampantly.
On a more pleasant note, area code 341 is credited with the invention of rocky road ice cream. Created by William Dreyer in 1929, rocky road ice cream is a favorite of ice cream enthusiasts. Supposedly, Dryer used a pair of scissors to chop up marshmallows and walnuts, which he then inserted into chocolate ice cream using a method that is similar to the candy making process. Fentons Creamery in area code 341 claims that they created the rocky road flavor and William Dryer copied it from them. Regardless of who really created the fun flavor, rocky road ice cream will remain an integral part of American culture.