Area Code 464

Where Is Area Code 464?

Updated: January 27th 2025

Major Cities In Area Code 464

Oak Park

Orland Park

The suburbs of Chicago enjoy an overflow of wealth, leading to lifestyles that are characterized by massive amounts of disposable income. Chicago’s suburbia currently uses the 708 area code, but will one day be overlaid by the 464 area code. Population growth is on the rise in the 708 area code, which will make the 464 area code necessary sometime in the near future. Users of the future 464 area code usually live in the suburbs but work in the city of Chicago. The 464 area code covers a region that is often featured in television shows as the epitome of American culture. For instance, the hit television show ER was set in Chicago’s suburbia. The hospital featured in ER was aptly named “Cook County General Hospital,” which references the county that Chicago and its suburbs are located in. However, the show was filmed in Los Angeles even though it portrays the dramatic lives of individuals living in Chicago, Illinois. The setup worked for the television show, winning more Emmy nominations than any other television show in the history of the awards.

Illinois Area Codes By Number