Area Code 719

Where Is Area Code 719?

Updated: March 25th 2025

Located in the high desert area of Colorado, the Pueblo area code has a reputation for being a home to heroes. Area code 719 was created as a split from the 303 area code in 1988. It is now utilized for several Colorado cities including Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Rocky Ford, Monte Vista, San Luis Valley and others. The 719 area code is home to Colorado State University-Pueblo, which is one of the fastest growing universities in the region. Originally just a small junior college, CSU-Pueblo now has more than 5,000 undergraduate students Furthermore, it has notable alumni including the former White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino, who held the position while President George W. Bush was in Office. USC-Pueblo also boasts former members of the Colorado House of Representatives and Colorado State Senate.

The 719 area code is home to rather interesting weather patterns. Located in a “Banana Belt,” Pueblo experiences much milder temperatures and less snow than the rest of Colorado’s major cities. In fact, winters are surprisingly mild in this region, as the temperatures only drop to a high that is below freezing for a little over two weeks each year. Additionally, snow usually melts immediately because the high altitude results in a strong sun.

The Pueblo, Colorado area code is definitely not one of the wealthiest in the nation. The median family income in the 719 area code is less than $35,000. Furthermore, as much as 18% of Pueblo’s residents live below the poverty line.

In light of low income and high poverty, the 719 area code also has much crime. In fact, the crime rate in the Pueblo, CO area code is significantly higher than the rest of the United States of America. With just over 100,000 residents, Pueblo is reported to have more than 10 annual murders, and over 489 assaults. The rate of auto theft, burglaries, and robberies are also considerably high. In the United States there is a median of nearly 50 crimes per square mile. In contrast, Pueblo experiences more than 140 crimes per square mile. Obviously the rate of crimes in the 719 area code is much higher than the national average. Most of the crimes that occur in Pueblo are related to assaults, which largely attributes to the greater crime rate in Pueblo. As a result, a resident in Pueblo is nearly twice as likely to become the victim of a violent crime in Pueblo as in the rest of Colorado.

Regardless of the high poverty and crime rates, area code 719 has made a name for itself in America as a city of heroes. Pueblo has more Medal of Honor recipients than any other city in the United States. The Medal of Honor is the highest decoration that one can obtain in the military and it is awarded by the United States government. Most Medals of Honor are awarded after the person is already deceased, which makes it remarkable that all of the Medal of Honor recipients in Pueblo are still living. Furthermore, the Medal of Honor is personally given to the living recipient or the family of the deceased recipient by the President of the United States. Accordingly, the 719 area code frequently draws national attention for its residents’ fearless achievements. William J. Crawford received his medal for WWII, as he placed his life at risk to save the lives of his platoon. He heroically moved directly into enemy fire in order to destroy them and allow the rest of his platoon to escape. Medals of Honor and Purple Hearts were also given to Carl L. Sitter and Raymond G. Murphy for their service in the Korean War. Drew Dennis Dix also received a Medal of Honor and a Purple Heart for his service in the Vietnam War. As a result, it is easy to see why area code 719 is known as the “Home of Heroes.”

Major Cities In Area Code 719


Area code 719 is also known as “Steel City.” Historically, Pueblo’s economy has been mainly dependent on its steel mills. However, in 1997 most of its workforce went on strike for a total of seven years! In 2004, the unions won and the steel company was forced to pay back wages to all of the strikers. Naturally, the amount paid to the steel workers broke certain records, as the total for seven years of lost wages was drastic.

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