Area Code 909
Where Is Area Code 909?
Updated: February 21st 2025
The 909 area code was put into effect in 1992 for the cities of Pomona, Fontana, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ontario. It was originally split from the 714 area code. A few years ago another split took place, this time involving area code 909. The 951 area code was split off from the 909 area code, leaving only a small portion of California for area code 909 to cover.
Pomona has a population that is just over 150,000. Nestled quietly in Los Angeles County, California, the city does not attract much national attention. The biggest attractions in the Pomona area code are the L.A. County Fair, Powerade Winter Nationals Drag Racing Competition, and the NHRA Auto Club Raceway at Pomona. Unless you are fanatical about county fairs and love racing, it is very likely that you have never heard about the 909 area code. If you enjoy fair history, you may know that the biggest attraction at the Los Angeles County Fair in the 1920s was the process of toothpaste making. You heard that right, a city that is known for race cars and toothpaste!
The Hispanic population is powerful in Pomona. Making up more the 65% of the Pomona population, Hispanics and Latinos have the majority vote. Furthermore, the majority of people in Pomona speak Spanish as their first language. Shockingly, less than 40% of Pomona residents speak English as their first language. Obviously the Californian trend towards a more Hispanic population has reached a new level in area code 909.
Naturally, W.K. Kellogg was also Pomona’s most notable resident. Developing the corn flake cereal, Kellogg changed breakfast time for families all over the world. Kellogg’s cereal gave an alternative breakfast to individuals who could not afford the full fledged American breakfast, which traditionally includes bacon and eggs. The nutritionally fortified product was welcomed by impoverished people during the Great Depression.
With a population of around 200,000 residents, Fontana is breaking free from its rural roots. Its relatively flat terrain makes a great course for its annual half marathon and 5K. In fact, the terrain is flat enough to make the Fontana Half Marathon the fastest in the world. Similar to Pomona, the individuals in this portion of the 909 area code are more than 50% Hispanic or Latino. The population is growing rapidly here with thousands of new residents being added each year.
Fontana, California is best known as birthplace of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club in 1948. The need for speed continues in a less notorious manner today with Fontana’s Auto Club Speedway, which is home to the annual NASCAR Sprint Cup. Accordingly, this attracts tourists to the Fontana area code and makes Fontana a household name in the United States. The Auto Club Speedway also helps drive the economy in the 909 area code. By luring thousands of tourists to the area, the speedway boosts local restaurant and hotel revenues. Although not as glamorous as racing, another transportation method is thriving in Fontana. Truck dealerships also support the Fontana economy along with industrial trucking centers. In fact, Fontana’s industrial heritage has been utilized in films such Terminator 2.
Major Cities In Area Code 909
As one of the largest counties in the United States, San Bernardino County stretches out over three million acres. This expansive county is home to a city of the same name, San Bernardino. More than 200,000 people call this city home, less than 30% of who are Caucasian. This largely Hispanic city unfortunately has high poverty and crime rates. In fact, crime has historically been a problem in the San Bernardino area code. Interestingly, most police officers in this portion of area code 909 choose to live outside of the city limits. It is difficult to be critical of the police officers’ choice in home, as San Bernardino has one of the highest murder and violent crime rates. As a result, San Bernardino is one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.
Regardless of its bad reputation, San Bernardino is also home to the famous Arrowhead Spring Hotel and Spa. As one of California’s historical landmarks, light quartz dazzles the mountains and hot springs lure tourists. Once used as the headquarters for Campus Crusades for Christ, the hotel now lies vacant. However, there are plans in the works to rejuvenate Arrowhead and to once again take advantage of its appeal. Once upon a time Eleanor Roosevelt, Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor and even Lucille Ball owned private homes on the hotel’s grounds. Undoubtedly, it will start attracting the wealthy to the 909 area code if the hotel is renovated.
Ontario, California is also located in San Bernardino County. Named after the Canadian province, Ontario was established in the late 1800s. Originally, it attracted people with claims that it was a place to go for improved health. Later on the Ontario area code became an agricultural center, growing some of the best olives in the country. Currently, it is home to a large cargo airport, LA/Ontario International Airport which is responsible for much of the mass freight traffic from local ports. Approximately half of Ontario has maintained its agricultural roots whereas the other half is focused on manufacturing. Both manufacturing and agriculture fuels the city’s economy and keeps most families above the poverty line. Much like San Bernardino and Fontana, Ontario is mostly of Hispanic origins with most individuals speaking Spanish as their first language.