Area Code 949

Where Is Area Code 949?

Updated: February 20th 2025

Covering areas that have great weather, low crime rates, and many jobs, the 949 area code is used for the wealthiest portion of Orange County. Irvine, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton residents use area code 949.

Irvine is nestled in the heart of Orange Country. With a population that is just over 200,000, the Irvine area code is one of the best places to live in the United States. In fact, Irvine has the lowest violent crime rate of all larger cities in American, not including those small farming communities in the middle of nowhere. Furthermore, Irvine has one of the highest median incomes in the country and is home to several outstanding educational institutions. It is not surprising that the Irvine area code has one of the highest rent rates in the United States. The median gross rent in this part of area code 949 is over $1600 each month. Housing is similarly over priced in this affluent community.

Education in Irvine is outstanding. UC Irvine, Concordia University, and Irvine Valley College are all based in the area code 949. As a result, Irvine has one of the highest concentrations of people who have doctorate degrees in the country. Well over 3,000 people in Irvine have doctorate degrees, which is a huge achievement for a population that is just over 200,000. University of California, Irvine is the best known of the education institutions in the 949 area code. Known throughout the United States as a top ten research university, it is also often considered a Public Ivy school. Not only is UC Irvine nationally recognized, the university also fuels the local economy. In fact, UC Irvine supplies Orange County with more jobs than any other employer. With billion dollar construction projects, UC Irvine will undoubtedly stay ahead of the game and continue to be a top tier university in the United States.

Also located in area code 949, Newport Beach is synonymous with wealth. In fact, Newport Beach is one of the wealthiest areas in California and in the United States of America. The median price for homes in this area is over $1 million, which is affordable for 25% of its residents who earn a median household income of more than $200,000.

Several individuals have mentioned Newport Beach as the wealthiest city in the United States, but that is debatable. The Newport Beach area code is postcard perfect. The beaches have white sand and the water is crystal clear. When the sun sets it paints the sky unimaginable colors along the coastline. This may seem like a description out of a romantic novel, but it is an everyday experience for Newport Beach’s residents. Naturally, the 949 area code is a trendy destination for sailing and fishing. In this area you will notice huge yachts and expensive sail boats as well as kayaks and canoes. Consequently, Newport Beach has the biggest recreational boat harbor on this coast of the United States. More than 10,000 boats are docked here, including many that cost more than most peoples’ homes.

Major Cities In Area Code 949

Costa Mesa


Newport Beach

The Newport Beach portion of the 949 area code has made its appearance more than once on popular television shows. For instance, The O.C. is based on the lives of people who reside in Newport Beach. Furthermore, The Real Housewives of Orange County has been known to film scenes for the hit television show in the affluent Newport Harbor. Producers could not have picked a better backdrop to portray Newport Beach’s wealth than the multi-million dollar yachts and picturesque sail boats. The name “Newport Beach” also pops up on teenage clothing articles all over the country as a fashionable slogan that is associated with a wealthy and carefree lifestyle. Hollister Co. is particularly fond of featuring “Newport Beach” on their jackets and graphic t-shirts.

Costa Mesa, California has made a dramatic change from an agricultural community to a buzzing commercial center. With just over 100,000 residents the Costa Mesa area code has maintained most of its small city charm. The population in Costa Mesa is remarkably less wealthy than its other Orange County neighbors. Residents in this part of area code 949 earn a median family income of approximately $55,000. That is only a quarter of what many individuals in other parts of Orange County earn in one year. Furthermore, Costa Mesa also experiences more poverty than the rest of Orange County. Approximately 12% of the population here is below the national poverty line.

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