Louisiana Area Codes
Area Codes In Louisiana
In Louisiana area codes, it is considered aggravated assault to bite someone with false teeth. However, biting someone with real teeth is a common offense that is labeled as a simple assault. Of course, this type of offense would most likely not affect most tourists in Louisiana area codes. However, tourists should take note that it is illegal to steal an alligator or gargle in public places throughout Louisiana. Although Louisiana is often associated with the fun and very liberal entertainment of Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the state does have a very conservative sentiment. For instance, an abortion advertisement in Louisiana could lead to time in jail.
Louisiana residents use five different area codes depending on where they are located within the state. Lucky residents in New Orleans use the popular 504 area code and people in the state capital of Baton Rouge use area code 225. Louisiana has plenty of small cities that are located in parishes instead of counties. In fact, Louisiana is the only state in the country that uses parishes in place of counties, which could lead to confusion for tourists in the region. The smaller and less popular parishes use the 318 area code in northwest Louisiana and the 337 area code in southwestern Louisiana. The 985 area code is used by residents in the surrounding areas of New Orleans, but many of the residents in those areas used the 504 area code after Hurricane Katrina. None of the Louisiana area codes are overlays, which makes it easy for residents to make local phone calls. In fact, all of the Louisiana area codes were created as splits and were carefully allocated to the various regions within the state.
The different cultures in Louisiana area codes have a difficult history, but currently people from different backgrounds have formed a welcoming community. Louisiana residents live harmoniously with each other and take pride in their various ethnicities. Accordingly, immigrants from Asia and Africa have found a welcome refuge in Louisiana, which has further boosted the state’s ethnic demographics. Nevertheless, the Cajun French influence seems to remain the most noticeable. For example, a small percentage of the population living in Louisiana area codes speaks French or Cajun French within their homes. Additionally, Louisiana residents enjoy a unique dialect that is very unique, including Cajun English and Yat. The Cajun English dialect has contributed several phrases to other American states such as saying that you are “fixing to do something.” Locals will often say that they are “fixing to go shopping,” which could bewilder people who are not familiar with the dialect.
Although Louisiana area codes are not generally known for their prestigious universities, the state is able to boast about several educational institutions for higher learning. Tulane University is especially prestigious and is located right in New Orleans. Overall Tulane is ranked approximately 32nd in the United States for an affordable location, but the university has also received attention for its parties. However, is not surprising that a university that is located in the city that hosts Mardi Gras each year would be noted for its remarkable parties. Louisiana State University system is also proudly based in the Louisiana area code. The extensive educational system has various campuses throughout Louisiana and offers locals affordable and stellar degrees in a variety of disciplines. University of Louisiana at Lafayette is the largest campus in the university’s system. LSU at Lafayette is ranked as one of the best universities in the southeast and has several excellent athletic teams.
Religion in the Louisiana area codes is a rather interesting topic. Of course, Louisiana has plenty of traditional religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and also Buddhism. However, Louisiana is also home to a small niche religion that is known as Louisiana Voodoo or New Orleans Voodoo. The religion came from the traditions that African slaves brought with them to plantations. However, the religion has received large influences from Catholicism, which has given it a unique edge. Voodoo dolls and strange deities are all part of Louisiana Voodoo, which are both known for their mystical charm that puts Westerners on edge. Furthermore, Louisiana Voodoo has changed significantly over the last century. Initially, the religion was widely practiced but recently it has become much more commercialized in the Louisiana area codes. Trinkets and charms are sold in nearly every tourist shop in New Orleans and can also be found in other parts of Louisiana. Naturally, conservative Catholics and Protestants have not encouraged the practice of Louisiana Voodoo and prefer to maintain its distance from the local religion.
Visiting Louisiana during a time of year that does not entail a Mardi Gras celebration would be an absolute tragedy. Every year, thousands of tourists flock to New Orleans and nearby cities to celebrate the traditional festival that is characterized by magnificent floats, fun masks, and tons of beads. Although the annual festival is not exactly family friendly during the late evening hours, it does provide plenty of enchantment for individuals of all ages. Mardi Gras is especially popular with young adults and university students from all over the United States who use New Orleans as the ultimate Spring Break destination. Hotels fill up quickly and flights book up, making it imperative to plan a Mardi Gras vacation well in advance. Nevertheless, if you cannot find accommodation in New Orleans, it is possible to stay in a nearby city for the night or make it a day trip.